Department | Phone Number | Fax Number |
Accounting | 843-347-8090 | 843-234-5082 |
Accounting - Payroll | 843-347-8039 | |
Accounting – Accounts Payable | 843-347-8358 | |
American Home Patient | 843-347-0711 | |
Ancillary Services | 843-347-8064 | |
Anesthesia | 843-347-8288 | 843-347-8352 |
Aynor Physical Therapy | 843-358-7342 | 843-358-3700 |
BirthPlace | 843-347-8007 | 843-347-1541 |
Cardiac Cath. Lab | 843-347-8368 | 843-347-8339 |
Cardiac Rehabilitation | 843-347-8153 | 843-347-1536 |
Case Management | 843-347-8029 | 843-347-8289 |
Chaplain | 843-347-8155 | |
Clinical Data Manager | 843-347-8163 | |
Provider Network Services | 843-234-5139 | 843-234-6822 |
Cost Accounting Director | 843-234-5488 | |
Customer Service - Patient Concerns | 843-347-8248 | |
Diabetes Management Center | 843-347-8013 | 843-234-5079 |
Dietary | 843-347-8060 | 843-347-1593 |
Dietitians | 843-347-8190 | 843-234-8895 |
ED Physician’s Secretary | 843-347-8015 | 843-234-5017 |
Employee Health | 843-347-8061 | 843-234-6716 |
Endoscopy | 843-234-5073 | 843-234-6667 |
Environmental Services | 843-347-8121 | 843-347-2137 |
Facility Management | 843-347-8140 | 843-347-1575 |
Financial Analysis / Reimbursement Director | 843-347-8091 | 843-234-5082 |
Financial Counselor | 843-347-8379 or 843-347-8043 | |
Fiscal Services | 843-347-8037 | 843-347-8048 |
Foundation | 843-347-8058 | 843-347-8351 |
Gift Shop | 843-347-8341 | 843-234-6811 |
Healthreach | 843-347-8068 | 843-347-6743 |
Human Resources | 843-347-8112 | 843-347-8181 |
Employment Coordinator - Nursing | 843-234-8935 | |
Employment Coordinator - Non-Nursing | 843-347-8100 | |
Critical Care Unit | 843-347-8010 | 843-347-8392 |
Infection Control | 843-347-8106 | 843-234-6716 |
Information Systems | 843-347-5867 | 843-347-8165 |
Joint Replacement Center | 843-234-6834 | |
Labor and Delivery | 843-347-8051 | 843-347-1541 |
Laboratory | 843-347-8130 | 843-234-5479 |
Pathology | 843-347-7144 | 843-347-4376 |
Assistant Laboratory Manager | 843-234-5121 | |
Laboratory Manager | 843-347-8272 | |
Maintenance | 843-347-8157 | 843-347-1584 |
Materials Management | 843-347-8252 | |
Medical | 843-347-8011 | 843-347-1513 |
Medical Charge Analyst | 843-347-8205 or 843-347-5875 | |
Medical Records | 843-347-8113 | 843-347-0647 |
Medical Staff Services | 843-347-8103 | 843-347-1532 |
Microfilm | 843-347-8151 | |
Nursery | 843-347-8053 | 843-347-1581 |
Nursing Administration | 843-347-8001 | 843-347-3413 |
Nursing Shift Coordinators | 843-347-8016 | |
Obstetrics | 843-347-8007 | 843-347-1541 |
One Day Surgery | 843-347-8249 or 843-347-8008 | 843-234-6858 or 843-347-8230 |
Operating Room Scheduling | 843-234-5043 | 843-234-5165 |
OutPatient Diagnostic Center | 843-347-8111 | 843-234-8200 |
Patient Services (Admissions-In & Out) | 843-347-8180 | |
Billing Questions – In & Out | 843-347-8072 | |
Discharge – Counselor | 843-347-8072 | |
Registration – Emergency Dept. | 843-347-8040 | |
Commercial Insurance/Managed Care | 843-347-8162 | |
Blue Cross & Tricare - Last Name A-M | 843-347-8026 | |
Blue Cross & Tricare - Last Name N-Z | 843-234-5138 | |
Medicare - Last Name A-M | 843-347-8024 | |
Medicare - Last Name N-Z | 843-347-8023 | |
Medicaid | 843-347-8025 | |
Refund Specialist | 843-234-8839 | |
PCU | 843-347-8160 | |
Pediatrics | 843-347-8054 | 843-234-8067 |
Performance Improvement | 843-347-8167 | 843-347-1532 |
Pharmacy | 843-234-6870 | |
Pharmacy-Director | 843-347-8142 | |
Pharmacy-Hospital Prescriptions | 843-347-8120 | |
Pharmacy-Outpatient Prescriptions | 843-347-8123 | |
Pharmacy-Physical Therapy | 843-347-8066 | 843-347-0910 |
Physician Recruitment | 843-234-6821 | |
Pre-Admission Testing | 843-347-1585 | 843-347-8239 |
Premier- Process Design | 843-347-8045 | 843-234-5082 |
Pulmonary Rehabilitation | 843-347-8153 | |
Purchasing | 843-347-8152 | 843-347-2850 |
Quality Assurance | 843-347-8168 | |
Radiology | ||
Radiology-Scheduling | 843-234-5474 | |
Radiology-Director | 843-347-8304 | |
Radiology-File and Reports | 843-347-8308 | |
Radiology-MRI | 843-347-8150 | |
Radiology- Nuclear Medicine | 843-347-8312 | |
Radiology-Special Procedures | 843-347-8381 | |
Radiology-Women’s Imaging Center | 843-347-8111 | 843-347-8200 |
Receiving/UPS/Fedex | 843-347-8253 | |
Receptionist | 843-347-8231 | |
Recovery Room | 843-347-8189 | 843-234-6717 |
Rehabilitation Services | 843-347-8066 | |
Respiratory Therapy | 843-347-1565 | |
Risk Management | 843-347-8166 | 843-347-8048 |
Safety Education | 843-347-8353 | |
Safety/Security | 843-347-8250 | 843-347-1575 |
Sleep Lab | 843-234-5166 | 843-234-5477 |
Staff Development/Patient Education | 843-47-8212 | |
Sterile Supply | 843-47-8063 | 843-347-2986 |
Surgical | 843-347-1596 | 843-234-5035 |
Technology Management | 843-347-8159 | |
Telemetry | 843-347-8009 | 843-347-2985 |
Waiting Rooms | ||
Waiting Rooms-BirthPlace Waiting | 843-347-8286 | |
Waiting Rooms-Critical Care | 843-347-8014 | |
Waiting Rooms-Endoscopy | 843-234-6663 | |
Waiting Rooms-Surgery | 843-347-8389 | |
Warehouse | 843-347-8254 | |
Wound Care Center | 843-347-8347 | 843-234-6977 |
Showing 1 to 110 of 110 entries