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Billing and Insurance

Billing and Insurance

Being hospitalized or undergoing a medical procedure can be stressful. Medical bills often add to this stress. At CMC, we try to simplify the billing process as much as possible. If you need more information about the medical exchanges available to you, you can find them here.

Choose from the payment methods below to learn more about billing services.
If you have:

If You Have Health Insurance…

Your Responsibility: Before undergoing medical procedures or being hospitalized, familiarize yourself with the terms of your insurance coverage. You will be responsible for co-payments, deductibles and other non-covered services that insurance does not pay. Payment is requested during registration. Please be prepared to provide a copy of your health insurance card prior to services. You may also need to provide insurance forms supplied by your employer or insurance company.

Our Commitment: For most insurance plans, we will verify your insurance coverage and bill your insurance company on your behalf. You will be responsible for paying any amount of your bill that your insurance company does not pay. View a list of our 2019 contracted insurance companies.

If You Are a Member of an HMO or PPO

Your Responsibility: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) sometimes have special requirements, such as pre-certification for certain procedures or second opinions before a surgical procedure is approved. You are responsible for ensuring that all the requirements of your health insurance plan are met. If the requirements of your plan are not met, you may be responsible for payment of all or part of the services rendered by the hospital.

Our Commitment: If we accept insurance assignment, we will bill your insurance company on your behalf. We will also verify coverage with your insurance company either before or during your hospital stay. We will request additional payments from you for any amounts of your bill that your insurance company does not pay.

If You Are Covered by Medicare

Your Responsibility: Familiarize yourself with your Medicare benefits before a medical procedure or hospitalization. Medicare may pay all or a portion of your hospital charges but understand that non-covered fees are your responsibility. Be aware that Medicare specifically excludes payment for certain services, such as cosmetic surgery, some oral surgery procedures, personal comfort items, hearing evaluations and others. Prior to services, please provide a copy of your Medicare card. Also, you must complete and sign the appropriate forms, including the Medicare questionnaire, noting your Medicare recipient number. Medicare deductible amounts for inpatients are due at the time of discharge, unless you have a Medicare supplemental policy. Outpatients are expected to pay their co-insurance and deductibles at time of registration.

Our Commitment: CMC will verify your Medicare eligibility and process your claim. If you have a Medicare supplemental insurance policy or second insurance, we will bill them for you as well.

If You Are Covered by Medicaid

Your Responsibility: Familiarize yourself with your Medicaid benefits before a medical procedure or hospitalization and understand that non-covered fees are your responsibility and are due at registration or upon discharge from the hospital. Medicaid may pay for all your charges except for personal convenience items, depending on the type of coverage, but be aware that Medicaid has payment limitations on a number of services. Also, Medicaid does not pay for the cost of a private room unless medically necessary. Prior to services, please provide a copy of your Medicaid card.

Our Commitment: CMC will verify your Medicaid eligibility and process your claim. We can also help you apply for Medicaid during your hospitalization.

If You Have No Insurance

Your Responsibility: Patients without medical insurance coverage will be asked to prepay an estimated bill or make other payment arrangements in advance, based on services you are expected to receive, and the estimated length of the hospital stay. Any unpaid balance will be due at the time of discharge.

Our Commitment: CMC can usually make financial arrangements for patients who do not have insurance. A Patient Accounts Department representative will assist you in making payment arrangements or applying for Medicaid or other governmental assistance programs.

Uninsured-Patient Discounts
Conway Medical Center offers a discount to uninsured patients. Depending on how much you qualify for, this can amount to a discount of up to 20% of your total charges.

Charity Care

Conway Medical Center is committed to providing quality care to all patients in need. We have limited funds available for patients who are financially unable to pay their bills.

For more information on Charity Care please contact or 843-234-6715 or click here for our policy and application.

Extended Payment Arrangements

If you are unable to pay the balance of your bill either before or at the time of discharge, you may qualify for an extended payment plan.

If you have questions about this information during your stay, please call the CMC Patient Financial Services at 843-347-8072.

Additional Bills You May Receive

Depending on the Services you receive you may receive bills for professional services from the following entities that work at the hospital.

  • Conway Emergency Room Physicians
  • Conway Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
  • Conway Anesthesia
  • Carolina Radiology
  • Pathology Consultants
  • Conway Hospitalists (TeamHealth)
  • Conway Physicians Group

The Conway Medical Center Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of all individuals in the Conway Medical Center service area.

Family Medicine Residency Program

The Conway Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program is sponsored by Campbell University and is accredited by the American College of Graduate Medical Education.

COVID-19 Information

Your trusted resource for the latest information about the virus and CMC precautions.  CMC continues to lead the way in vaccinating and safeguarding our community.