Serious Illness and Hospice Care at Conway Medical Center
Deciding which path is right for you
Serious Illness Care at CMC gives you, or your loved one, a chance to live life more comfortably. CMC Staff Chaplain, Patricia Douglass shares “At CMC, our patients are wrapped in loving prayer and kindness”. CMC will help you navigate a complex healthcare system and explore treatment options that are right for you. Our goals is to improve your quality of life with a care plan that meets your wants and needs.
What is Palliative Care?
Serious Illness Care, or palliative care, is caring for those with life-threatening illness, such as cancer, COPD, or congestive heart failure.
CMC Serious Illness Care Provider, Dr. Vuppala, is passionate about serious illness care. She adds, “It’s rewarding to be sitting with patients and their families, knowing that I am not pressured to a 30 minute visit. It may take two hours to meet with that family, to get their whole story, to understand them as a person. Part of palliative or serious illness care is understanding who that person is, what is life like for them and what are their needs.”
A Wholistic Approach to Palliative Care
Our team of physicians, nurses, case managers, chaplains and other professionals focus on physical pain, symptom management, psychosocial and spiritual support. Chaplain Patricia Douglass notes “When illness intrudes on daily family life and routine, we offer support in helping the patient and family cope with changing roles.”
How is it different from Hospice?
Hospice care focuses on end-of-life care. The goals of hospice care is not to cure the disease but to offer comfort and relief from symptoms.
In-Patient Hospice at Conway Medical Center
Our In-patient hospice team works together to help patients to live well in their last days, focusing on comfort and symptom management. We offer gentle guidance and support while focusing on the patients final wishes and quality of care.
Hospice Care at CMC Embrace Hospice House
CMC Embrace Hospice House can provides patients with the full level of care they require, in a peaceful, homelike setting. Our goal is to provide terminally ill patients and their families with the highest quality of care possible along with the best support for their needs.

Spiritual Care at CMC
Supporting our patient’s body, mind, and soul, is at the heart of CMC Serious Illness and Hospice Care. Spiritual care may be provided by any member of the team including physicians, nurses, and chaplains.

CMC Serious Illness Care at Conway Medical Center