CMC Eliminates Barriers to Getting Mammograms
Eva Swontek says she’s part of a pink ribbon family. Her mother lost her best friend to breast cancer and was also diagnosed with the disease when she was 50. Her mother spent time volunteering to take people to their appointments and took part in community outreach. So, Eva made sure she performed self-breast exams and had her routine screening mammograms. Five years ago, at the age of 44 while performing a self-breast exam in the shower, Eva found a lump. When she had her mammogram at the CMC Imaging Center, the radiologist immediately ordered an ultrasound and then a biopsy. After that biopsy, CMC Chief of Surgery Dr. Aaron Epstein told her it was cancer. With a grade 3 triple-positive breast cancer that was 2.2 cm, Dr. Epstein told her they needed to treat it aggressively. She underwent chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy and had a lumpectomy to remove the tumor. She says she had an amazing team of healthcare professionals behind her every step of the way. “You will have your hand held. You are part of a supportive network when you have to deal with something like this. You’re not alone.”

The Importance of Breast Self-Awareness
Use your monthly breast self-exam as a dedicated time to put yourself and your health first.
When asked why she encourages other women to get their mammograms, Eva says it can make all the difference. “It is hard to hear, ‘You have cancer.’ But it’s even harder to hear, ‘You have cancer, but there’s nothing we can do for you.’ So even though that mammogram might be an inconvenience, so is the inconvenience knowing that you’re holding off on something that could save you.”
That’s something CMC Breast Health Navigator Jeannie Gibson agrees with wholeheartedly. “Early detection is truly the best protection because mammograms can find breast cancers very early and that is when they’re absolutely the most treatable. Mammograms can find breast cancers years before it could possibly be felt.”
She says the first step is making the appointment. “It’s easy to put off because women are very busy,” said Jeannie “And we just need to take a minute to take care of ourselves so we can continue taking care of everyone else. Conway Medical Center is definitely trying to eliminate those barriers and hurdles to getting your exam.”

Turn your mammogram appointment into a day of fun
5 ways that you can make this vital activity less daunting and a lot more fun.
At CMC routine screening mammograms are self-referral, so woman 40 and older with no current breast symptoms or problems who don’t have a personal history of breast cancer can schedule the appointment without a doctor’s order. Insurance companies pay for routine screening mammograms at 100%, but if you don’t have insurance, there are programs available to help you including the Best Chance Network and the CMC Foundation.
CMC now offers mammograms at three locations: the CMC Imaging Center on Singleton Ridge Road, the CMC Mobile Mammography Center which travels to locations throughout the county, and CMC Church Street in Conway.
If something is found, CMC can carry you through the whole continuum of care from the screening mammography to diagnosis, surgery, and oncology treatment at the CMC Godwin Healing Center (formerly the CMC Cancer Center) which includes chemotherapy and targeted and immunotherapies.

Eva says the first step is to make the appointment for the mammogram and don’t put it off. “To know that I’m able to see my kids graduate college and watch my nieces and nephews grow up, it’s worth a little bit of inconvenience. It’s worth a little bit of the discomfort.”
To schedule your mammogram, call the CMC Imaging Center on Singleton Ridge Road or the CMC Imaging Center at Church Street located in West Conway at 843-234-5474. You can find the 3D Mobile Mammography Center upcoming dates and locations HERE.
How the CMC Foundation can help
The CMC Foundation covers the costs of screening mammograms and provides financial assistance for other mammography services provided at our Imaging Center and on the CMC Mobile Mammography Center for people who qualify. They are able to do this through the generosity of multiple community partners and individual donors who give to the CMC Mammography Initiative.
If you or a loved one is in need of an annual screening mammogram or other breast cancer follow-up care, find out if assistance is available to you through the CMC Foundation. You may have the option to access our program if you are uninsured or under-insured and also do not qualify for the Best Chance Network program
To see if you qualify, please call 843-347-8170.