Conway Medical Center’s Nurse Residency Program is our region’s first accredited Nurse Residency program based on the Vizient and American Association of Colleges of Nursing (Vizient/AACN) Nurse Residency Program™. The program is designed to ease the transition of newly graduated nurses from the classroom setting to the clinical practice environment to promote quality, safety and reduce turnover rates for first-year nurses.
The program is open to all graduating nurses hired by Conway Medical Center with licensing from an accredited school. The program takes one year to complete.
At Conway Medical Center, we understand how important it is for new nursing graduates to have a group of peers and mentors who assist them in enhancing their skills and becoming comfortable with the challenges of nursing. Our program is evidence-based, with positive clinical outcomes that will help not only the nurses, but also our patients.
The Vizient/AACN Nurse Residency Program™ has provided healthcare organizations with a transition-to-practice program for new graduate nurses since 2002 and is recognized by the Institute of Medicine as a model program.